Sunday, February 26, 2012

People's drama.

A word for the wise: Stay out of other people's drama, no matter how enticing it is. The only reason I got in this girl's drama was because she and her cousin were using Scripture to support her sin. It pretty much screamed, "COME BACK AT ME, BRO!" and I was like, okay, I will. I don't regret it, because I know that there will be hardships for doing what's right, but... man. I do not need that stress. So, I'm retiring from that, haha. I'm almost out of high school, bro. I don't need no drama! I will just stick with praying from here on out... which I suck at. I can never seem to focus enough anymore. I'm losin' my edge, man. Anyways.. yeah. Just don't misuse the Bible and we'll all be good to go. 'Cuz I reallyyy hate stepping on toes. I do. But, the Bible does say to correct your brother when you see them stumble. First, in private. And, if they don't listen, then with someone else. And if they still aren't listening, then publicly, in front of the church. People want to be comfortable, though, and want to do what's politically correct, so they usually just let other people's sin go unchecked. Which is STUPID and kinda makes me mad. Yet, I'm also a strong believer in the whole "do not point out the speck in your brother's eye when there's a plank in yours," deal. I really am. Because I hate finding myself to be a hypocrite. That's why I avoid confronting people's mistakes and stuff like that until it really bugs me to death. I have to look at myself first and make sure God's not using this to point out my own struggles.

Right now, what I really need to do, is focus on growing in my relationship with God, and making sure that I'm not starving that aspect of my life. I don't need someone else's mistakes that don't even touch my lifef to consume my thoughts. God is the One Who get's that place. I can't replace Him with drama... regardless of how juicy it is. I love Him too much. (: Which is an awesome feeling.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Missing that feeling of being in love... The warm fuzzies. Hot cocoa is a bad sub.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Laying your burdens down.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Pause the playlist, no matter how great the song that's playing is, just pause it. Pause it and listen to this one:
I'm not gonna lie. I really really really needed to hear this song last night. I thought I had gotten past my hard times and depressive moods, but this one crept up on me the last few days and hit me hard. But, after listening to this song, I realized something: I'm going to have to deal with it. I'm going to have to get through the tearful nights where I feel abandoned. That doesn't mean I'm not laying my burdens down, though.

See, what I've been guilty of lately is telling God to handle my problems. No big deal, right? Everyone asks Him to do that. But where I went wrong was telling Him to take care of it, but still not giving up possession of it. I told Him I was laying my burdens down, but I was still holding them. It's foolish. Zuzu in It's A Wonderful Life even knew better! Ha ha. She told her daddy to fix her flower, and she handed him the petals. She didn't tell him to fix it and then refuse to give up the pieces he needed to fulfill that request.

How often is my heart broken, and I ask Him to heal it, but never give Him the pieces to put back together! I'm truly foolish. It's at those times where I can't figure out why it hurts so much that I need to give up possession of my problems and truly hand them over to the Lord.
Cast they burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22.
Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7.
Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn fo Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30
 1) If I let God take care of my problems, and I really let go of them, He'll take care of me. He won't allow me to be moved from His care.
2) Why wouldn't I let go of all my problems? I can't stand them, anyways. And God wants to take care of mine. He cares about me!
3) Goodness, this chunk here is one of my favorite passages ever. Heck yeah, I'm weary from my burdens. He tells me to switch them out, though. He asks me to hand Him my burdens, and I can carry His. And you know what His load is to carry? It's peace and joy and just worshiping Him. It's following His will. It's the easy burden of knowing He has redeemed you, knowing that He loves you more than anything in this world ever could, and being a light to shine out a testimony of Who He is to you. That's pretty easy. When He does so many amazing things, it's hard not to let the world know! He means it when he says His burden is light. And I'm so thankful for that truth today.

I hope this has helped somebody. If anything, this was good for me to type out and get out there. It helps me to remember it the rest of the day, so that when I feel like crying my eyes out, I know I just have to hand my burden back over. :)

Love and prayers,