Thursday, January 16, 2014

Old habits are hard to resurrect once you accidentally killed them

I used to be so good at doing things on a regular basis that were good for me. I would read my Bible every day. I would run almost every day. I'd eat salads almost every day. I think I've kind of reversed that these days. I mean, I'm glad that I've at least gotten to the point where I do things, though. I've recovered enough that I'm getting back to having hobbies. I have a hamster again. She's a sweetie and she's very healthy. :) She's not used to me yet, so she still bites me when I stick my hand out for her to smell... but she's biting less hard each time. Haha! I'm back into reading a ton. I'm working my way through The Hobbit right now, which I  know Joey is very proud of me for. He's been all up in arms all the time because I hadn't read any Tolkien yet. Boohoo. I started listening to music again. That's been fun. I love finding new good music these days. The Buzz is pretty good about playing new and interesting stuff, so I usually listen to them over any other stations. If they play too many commercials or anything lame, I just switch to The Fountain cuz they're the next best thing. My job is going well. I really enjoy it. For some reason, everyone seems to think I'm like the wonder employee of the year and it kinda drives me nuts. Cuz I'm definitely not. I see no reason for everyone to expect me to be this great person. It's nice that so many people have confidence in me, but it kinda sucks because then I feel like a huge disappointment or road  block when I do mess up. That really sucks. I'm sorry, guys. I just can't keep up with expectations that well.

So... anyways. The reason for this post. I need to get back into reading my Bible regularly, but with school and work and my inability to get enough sleep, I can't do these rigorous reading plans I used to do when I had nothing else to do with my life. I actually have time constraints. So I'm wondering where to start reading if I just want to hit the reset button on my Christian life. Any suggestions? I just wanna wipe clean the slate of everything I think I know about God, and start over. Get a clear view of Him without anyone else's input but His. Nobody else whispering in my ear, "God is this; God is that." Just God's actual words on who He is and what He's all about. Where shall I start? Suggestions, please!

Thanks, guys. :) You rock.
