I'm feeling super thankful right now. I've finally gotten back on track and right with God lately. I was in pretty rough shape after New Year's, not really sure why. Something just changed in me, and it was for the worse. But I'm back at it now. I'm so grateful for my Salvation, and for the provisions of my wonderful Father. It's so wonderful to have food to eat, clothes to wear, a heated home, and a comfortable bed. A computer to blog from. Friends who pray for and support me when they know I need it most. Family that loves me in spite of my bad habits and my bad moods. People who stick with me no matter what, and help me through the rough spots. I'm so very blessed.
God's been working on me to change my heart. I read Luke 6:43-45 today, and verse 45 really punched me in the face, ha ha. It was like God saying, "Do you hear the things that come out of your mouth? The attitudes you have? Here's where it's coming from!". So, I know I need to change what's in my heart. I've embraced poor behavior lately and I have no excuses for it. Sure, watching not-so-wholesome t.v. shows doesn't help, but it's not like I'm being forced to watch them and talk like the people in them. It's my choice. And a poor choice. I need to re-evaluate my life and everything I do, choose what is pleasing to God, not to the world.
Another thing I've been realizing is my need to please people. I'm tired of being a people-pleaser. It causes me to compromise what I believe, and it needs to stop. Just because people don't agree with me and I want to keep the peace. There's a way to keep things peaceful and still stand firm, and I need to seek it out, instead of just being, like, whateverrr. Jesus said that we would be persecuted. In America, our only persecution for the faith is being disagreed with and maybe losing some friends. Is that anywhere near as bad as the people in countries where Christianity is outlawed? No. We're not being killed or tortured. Nobody is coming into our churches and threatening our lives. And even if that were the case, we are still called to stand firm in the faith. As long as God is with us and for us, what else do we really need in this life? We have a better one awaiting! We're perfectly okay, and we know it. So, tell the Devil to shut up and leave you alone when he's trying to convince you that it's too much of a risk to talk about Christ. We have hardly any risk at all here. Matthew 10:28 says, "Don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both body and soul in hell." We have no reason to fear man, and turn our backs on God. Turn your back on man, and fear God alone! So stand up for Him. You never know what an impact it will make on others!
So, yeah, that's what's been on my mind today. Oh, and I finished my schoolwork today! Ha ha ha. I'm usually a total slacker, so this is a pretty big accomplishment. : ) Don't judge me! : P
Peace and love,
Natalie :)
So, yeah, that's what's been on my mind today. Oh, and I finished my schoolwork today! Ha ha ha. I'm usually a total slacker, so this is a pretty big accomplishment. : ) Don't judge me! : P
Peace and love,
Natalie :)
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