Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Calmer of my storms. ♥

Who is Jesus to you? Other than your Savior and Redeemer, Who is He in your heart?

Lately, He's been the One Who calms my storms... Life throws some hard balls sometimes, and I've been trying to have a better attitude about it these last few weeks. I'm tired of complaining about the hard stuff. So, I'm trying to be more focused on looking at God instead of myself when things go wrong. One of the best parts of it is that even when I'm upset or something really pressing is staring me down, just worshiping God can turn it all around. Worshiping Him and praying whole-heartedly turns my perspective away from myself and just lets me focus on the Lord. It sounds like I'm just ignoring my problems instead of facing them, but, in reality, when I look at my problems after I've had time with God, they're suddenly so much more simple. He guides us to make wiser decisions when we make sure we're walking by His side. It's wonderful.

I decided to write this post because I just read Luke 8:22-25. It's the story of when Jesus calmed the storm in the Sea of Galilee. When He says to the disciples, "Where is your faith?", it always smacks me... 'Cause every time something bad happens, it's easy for me to lose my grip and just wallow. But, if I am exercising my faith, then I'll just be focused on God, trusting Him to do what He needs to through the situation. It's hard, but I learn lessons through this.

Anyways, I hope somebody got something from this. Haha.


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